Ping Pong Paddle Pong
A downloadable game for Windows
An AR based 3D Controller game that uses your webcam and a couple of printed markers to play Pong.
2 Players.
You will need:
- A printer
- Two ping pong paddles
- A computer with a webcam
Set up:
- Print out the marker images in the pdf file
- Cut out and tape each players markers to either side of their respective ping pong paddles, leave white space around the edges of the markers.
- Download and unpack the zip file, give the program permission to use the webcam.
- Hold the ping pong paddles with the flat side toward the webcam
- Move them up and down to play, keep the paddles inside the webcam's field of view.
The ball changes color from black to white when it bounces off the walls.
When you flip your paddle, the shade of the game paddle will swap from dark to light. If you hit the black ball with a dark paddle, it gives it an extra boost, likewise for the light paddle and white ball.
Have fun!